• Global village, food safety, golden feather farms.

A brief biography of the CEO

I was born in 1965 in a middle-class family of a farmer and herdsman in the village of Gardeh Rash, Mahabad, in the heat of August. I completed my primary education in my hometown and then I completed my secondary education and diploma due to the proximity of Miandoab city and my hometown in the same city.

Start of activity

1984, Investment: a motorcycle, an empty cage, a scale and 2000 Tomans

Motivation and general biography

After the military service, which coincided with the full-scale war between Iran and Iraq, due to the influence of my brother's job as a chicken seller, and his intense interest in trying and believing in the verse (لَیسَ الِانسانَ الّا ماسَعی), with an empty cage and money. I started with two thousand tomans of inventory and a motorcycle and hard drive, a mobile poultry shop in the city of Mahabad and the region. At that time, poultry farming in the city of Mahabad was very small, and in order to buy chicken, one had to go to the cities of Malekan, Maragheh, Azarshahr. I would go, my job would be to knock on the door of every poultry farm and become more familiar with the sensitive job of poultry farming by buying cages and cages. The nights passed and there was not even a dream in my eyes, but I was thinking about this day so that one day I could gather a large group of unemployed people in the area and place them in a complex of my complex and make them jobs and accommodation. This important thing was made possible one day by the grace of God and with the determination and determination to believe in the self-confidence, ability and efforts of this humble person. And I was able to organize a 5,000-piece poultry unit with two staff members at the Mohammadyar intersection, and officially start using the name "poultry farmer," and with the motivation that I should be better every day than yesterday, this is a sensitive and risky profession. I followed and then with ten thousand pieces and now with 6 units with a capacity of 325 thousand pieces of broiler chicken. And the annual production of 9000 tons of white meat and 6 units of mother chicken with a capacity of 205 thousand pieces of mother chicken and the production of 35 million fertilized eggs in the period And an incubator with an annual production of 240,000 one-day-old chickens and an animal feed and poultry feed factory with a capacity of 60,000 tons per year and two industrial slaughterhouse units with a capacity of 8,000 pieces per hour and a refrigeration unit below and above zero to Capacity 4500 tons per year And I am active in a facility of 80,000 square meters on 100-hectare land, all of which have been turned into green spaces and orchards, with employment directly for 923 families (about 3,000 families) and indirectly below. Relevant sections and types of jobs and classes have been provided to approximately 3500 families. In addition, I have created a sports club for the company's personnel and the general good people of the city in an area of 540 square meters, in front of Mahabad Physical Education Department with the best facilities. It has a country and participates in provincial and national competitions. Explain that I am actively participating in all domestic and foreign seminars and exhibitions.

  • Business Management Expert and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Assembly of Agricultural Experts of Iran
  • Official member of the Asia-Pacific Quality Organization
  • Member of the Iranian Innovators and Inventors Association
  • Member of the Association of Successful Iranians
  • Membership in the Agricultural Engineering and Natural Resources Organization
  • Member of the Board of the Prisoners' Support Association
  • Top National Entrepreneur in 2006
  • Successful entrepreneur of West Azerbaijan province in 2007
  • National Model Manager of 2008
  • Friendly worker in the years 2005-2012
  • Exemplary poultry farmer in the country in the years 1999-2001-2004-2006-2008-2009-2011-2012-2014-2016
  • Sample employer in 2012
  • Member of the Board of Representatives of the Iran-Urmia Chamber
  • Member of the Investment and Financing Commission of the Iran Chamber
  • Member of the Joint Council of the Iran-Greece Chamber
  • Member of the Joint Council of the Urmia-Erbil Chamber
  • Member of the board of directors of the Coordination Factory of Livestock and Livestock Factories of the country
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Association of Livestock, Poultry and Aquatic Feed Industries
  • Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Iranian Chicken Production Chains
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Urmia Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture
  • Top National Entrepreneur in 2006 and National Model Manager in 2008, Loving worker in 2005-2012
  • Received the National Productivity Award of the First Agricultural Olympiad in 2016

the key to success

The key to success or an effective factor in your success is to rely on God Almighty, firm determination and determination to believe that we can and to pursue issues seriously and securely, a keen interest in work and especially “in my career, application and Using the theories and experiences of experienced experts, using technology and the latest technologies and up-to-date science of poultry industry, cooperation and efforts of the staff and esteemed colleagues of this complex and the support of the family to implement their proper and special management, one of which is staff sharing. And in addition to their fixed salaries, I consider paying 5% interest on the course and providing welfare and comfort facilities for the staff and their families, including organizational houses and the cultural and sports club, group accident insurance and full medical staff in addition to social security insurance. We all know that achieving national ideals such as self-sufficiency and liberation from economic dependence, eliminating unemployment and improving living standards and national income requires national determination, a determination that requires hard work, perseverance and a strong will of real strikers. Efforts that keep the country's economy afloat around the clock in the field of day-to-day work and production, and are anchors for economic stability and the advancement of the country's short-term and long-term economic goals and programs, are entrepreneurs who are at the forefront of reforming society. They have put their work on the agenda and have worked hard to achieve this important goal, and especially in sensitive economic and social areas, they have brought positive results for the well-being of humanity. They have always been an opportunity to develop as an engine of economic development and help creativity, innovation and risk-taking. New ones are identified or created to gain valuable benefits. This is especially true in the present age, which is known as the age of rapid and accelerated change, in which all human achievements are undergoing fundamental change and transformation. Entrepreneurs, by providing a pure ideal and creating small, medium and high-yield businesses, have overcome many cumbersome problems in the country: unemployment, inflation, lack of dynamism and economic prosperity, and ended social crises and new approaches. They replace traditional and obsolete methods. They believe that working should be learned from the heart. From the fourth week of fertilization, the sperm begins to work, and for the rest of its life, it can sometimes be more than a hundred years old. They prefer to sacrifice their personal interests for the sake of the value they place on the collective good and interest. Entrepreneurs, despite having all the indescribable capacities and abilities they have, can do great things as manifestations of unity and solidarity, especially in the social and economic dimensions, and the officials should pay special attention to them as soldiers of unity and cohesion. Therefore, the success of me and this company and the ascent to the proud peaks of production and obtaining degrees and obtaining valuable production badges from the government of men of Islamic Iran and world authorities indicate a strategic perspective with a view to management, the up to date of this complex in terms of skilled manpower And it is capable of using the latest technologies, and new systems and equipment in the construction, design and equipping of various parts of production. With the World Village, we have food security on high-yield farms. We believe in earning a living and creating a healthy living environment with the peace and comfort of the staff and with our cultural and sports activities, we believe in creating a healthy society. I owe these successes to the efforts of compassionate, honest employees, experts and successful managers of this complex and the patient members of my family who work hard and persevere in the field of production problems and endure it until all obstacles are removed while maintaining and developing this job creation. We will never give up our efforts and persistence in the field of production until we reach self-sufficiency and enter the world market.

(لَیسَ الِانسانَ الّا ماسَعی)